Magento keeps on adding frontend features and improving UI to attract, engage and covert users. The main aspect of conversion in every Ecommerce is product page, and product image plays vital role in purchase decision. Magnifier and slider in product page is one of the best examples of the great user experience. While product image slider simply helps navigating through various product views, image magnifier zooms image to delight visitors with wonderful detailing in your product images. They both reveal close-up view to surefire about the product quality before making purchase.
Sometimes Magento store owners don’t require both the product image slider and zoom magnifier due to many reasons like they don’t have multiple views, having fairly basic low-resolution product images or product images doesn’t contain any detail that needs to be zoomed. It’s the time you want to remove both to keep the target product area clean and clear. Today we have come up with custom code to remove image magnifier and slider in Magento 2 product page.
Go to app\design\frontend\Themes\Yourtheme\etc\view.xml and make changes as below.
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<vars module="Magento_Catalog"> <!-- Gallery and magnifier theme settings. Start --> <var name="gallery"> <var name="nav">thumbs</var> <!-- Gallery navigation style (false/thumbs/dots) --> <var name="loop">true</var> <!-- Gallery navigation loop (true/false) --> <var name="keyboard">true</var> <!-- Turn on/off keyboard arrows navigation (true/false) --> <var name="arrows">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off arrows on the sides preview (true/false) --> <var name="caption">false</var> <!-- Display alt text as image title (true/false) --> <var name="allowfullscreen">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off fullscreen (true/false) --> <var name="navdir">vertical</var> <!-- Sliding direction of thumbnails (horizontal/vertical) --> <var name="navarrows">true</var> <!-- Turn on/off on the thumbs navigation sides (true/false) --> <var name="navtype">slides</var> <!-- Sliding type of thumbnails (slides/thumbs) --> <var name="transition"> <var name="effect">slide</var> <!-- Sets transition effect for slides changing (slide/crossfade/dissolve) --> <var name="duration">500</var> <!-- Sets transition duration in ms --> </var> </var> <var name="magnifier"> <var name="fullscreenzoom">5</var> <!-- Zoom for fullscreen (integer)--> <var name="top"></var> <!-- Top position of magnifier --> <var name="left"></var> <!-- Left position of magnifier --> <var name="width"></var> <!-- Width of magnifier block --> <var name="height"></var> <!-- Height of magnifier block --> <var name="eventType">hover</var> <!-- Action that atcivates zoom (hover/click) --> <var name="enabled">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off magnifier (true/false) --> </var> </var> <!-- end. Gallery and magnifier theme settings --> |
Removing image magnifier and slider is as easy as abc. Just follow above steps and you are done. Hope you liked this tiny little solution. Let me know through commenting if you stuck somewhere or have queries, I will be quick enough to reply you! Lastly, hit the 5 stars to appreciate our blogs and solutions!