Hello, Shopify Friends. We meet again. ?

Today, in this Shopify tutorial, we will learn about setting up your Shopify store’s primary domain.

Once you have purchased the perfect domain for your online shop, it’s important that it reflects your brand and inspires your customers. It’s highly recommended that you use the same domain for an extended period, as customers will access your store via this domain and its corresponding extension. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid changing your domain as much as possible.

The address bar can only display a primary domain, which can either be a root domain or a subdomain. Once you have decided on which one to use, set it as your primary domain to ensure that customers can easily see it when browsing your shop. This guide is aimed at helping you set your primary domain clearly and transparently.

What Does a Primary Domain Mean?

A primary domain is also known as the main domain or a primary web address, which is associated with an internet entity or a website. A primary web address is something that visitors use to access a particular website. Root domain or top-level domain (TLD) is also one of the names for primary domain.

For example, in the URL “https://www.magecomp.com,” “magecomp.com” is the primary domain. It is the core part of the website’s address, and it is where the website’s main content is usually hosted. Subpages or subdirectories of the primary domain, like “https://www.magecomp.com/shopify” or “https://www.magecomp.com/blog” are associated with the primary domain but are not considered separate primary domains themselves.

Set up Primary Domain

Step 1 –

Go to

Shopify Admin → Settings → Domains

How to Set Your Primary Domain on Shopify

Step 2 –

Select the domain you want to set up as your primary.

How to Set Your Primary Domain on Shopify

In this tutorial, we will go with the magecomp.com domain name.

Step 3 –

Selecting the domain name, choose the change domain type option.

How to Set Your Primary Domain on Shopify

Step 4 –

On selecting the change domain type option, a popup will appear, from which you must select the Primary Domain option.

How to Set Your Primary Domain on Shopify

And your primary domain will be done now.

Now your visitors will be redirected this new primary domain, even if they visit the older one.

Ending note

The tutorial had very easy steps, though.

Proper knowledge of primary domains, subdomains, and addon domains is of utmost importance for website owners and administrators. These domain types significantly impact the organization, delivery, and accessibility of website content on the internet. By having a clear understanding and control of the different domains, website owners can ensure an optimal user experience, better search engine ranking, and overall website performance.

9 Shopify Development Services That You Should Know

We hope you found this tutorial helpful for your domain setting up. If you need any further assistance, you can contact us or reach us via our official Facebook page.

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Happy Shopifying!!!

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