Hello, Shopify Merchants. ?

Hope your Shopify businesses are reaching new success heights. ?

Today, in this blog, we will be discussing the most common issue faced by large Shopify merchants, i.e., finding the right Shopify product amidst the large Shopify catalog.

As you may already be aware, you have the option to view all the products available in your shops in a list format under the All Products section. Additionally, it’s worth noting that you can add a vast number of products to your Shopify store. However, this may present some challenges when trying to locate a specific product.

Let’s begin with the steps for searching for the right product from your Shopify store.

Search Shopify Products

Step 1 –

Navigate to

Shopify Admin → Products

How to add Sizes of Products on Shopify

Where you will find the entire list of your products, both the live products and inactive products.

How to add Sizes of Products on Shopify

Step 2 –

Just above the product list, you will find a search button on the upper right-hand corner of the page.

A search bar will appear on your screen, and you can now search for your product from here. ? And done!!!

Over to You

In this tutorial, you learned how to search for a product on Shopify efficiently. With the help of this guide, you will be able to effectively organize and manage your products, making the search process a breeze. Follow the step-by-step instructions to streamline your product search and enhance your overall Shopify experience.

If you have queries with the Shopify platform, you can easily contact us or text us on our official Facebook page. If you have any technical queries, you can hire our Shopify developers and get your things done.

MageComp Shopify Developer

Happy Shopifying!!!

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