In this blog, we will learn about How to Install Laravel 10 using Composer.

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel is used for creating web-based applications following the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and is based on Symfony. Laravel provides a better development experience while providing dependency injection, database abstraction layer, queues and scheduled jobs, unit and integration testing, and more.

Let’s learn How to Install Laravel 10 using Composer

Steps to Install Laravel 10 using Composer:

Step 1: Prerequisites

  • Php version – 8 
  • Composer version – 2

Composer to install all required libraries to run Laravel.

You can install Composer from the link given below 

After installation of the composer, run the below command on your terminal.

It gives output like this.

Composer command

Step 2: After Successfully installing PHP and Composer, you need to create a new Laravel project via Composer. Run the below command.

It gives output like this.

Create project using composer

Step 3: After successfully creating the project, start Laravel’s local development server using Laravel’s Artisan CLI serve command

It gives output like this.

local development server

Now copy this link and paste it into your browser. It will look like this.



Using the above steps, you can swimmingly install Laravel 10 using Composer. Alternatively, you can also install ReactJS using Laravel. If you cannot install Laravel 10, let me know through the comment box.

Moreover, share the tutorial with your Laravel friends and stay updated with us so that you do not miss out on important solutions.

Happy Coding!

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