Hello Magento Pals ?,

How you all doing? Today’s illustration is on How to Get Product Image URL in Magento 2. In case you missed out on our previous blog, take a look, Magento 2: How To Redirect 404 Page Found To Search Page.

Images are an easy option to improve the user experience of any E-commerce website. It helps to grab the customer’s attention and get them engaged. Every product of an E-commerce website holds different images.

While implementing any new feature related to images you may require a product image URL. Moreover, at the time of migrating your Magento 2 store, you need to get Image URLs of all the products. The below code will help you to Get Product Image URL in Magento 2.

So let’s get started ?

How to Get Product Image URL in Magento 2:

One can retrieve the Image URL using two methods:

Without Object Manager Using Class

Using Object Manager (Not Recommended Method)



I hope you have successfully applied the above-mentioned steps and you are able to Get Product Image URL in Magento 2. By chance, if you face any difficulties write to me in the comment section below. Do not forget to rate and share the article.

Happy Coding ?

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