Hello Magento Folks,

In this tutorial blog, I will illustrate to you all How To Backup Magento 2 Store. Check our previously published blog Magento 2: How to Configure Shipping Table Rates using CSV File. Let’s start learning:

Short Summary:

Basically, the intention of illustrating this blog is I have got many queries such as Magento 2 DB backup, Magento 2 system backup, Magento 2 backup extension, how to restore a Magento 2 backup, how to backup Magento 2 and many more. Instead of replying individually, I thought I will illustrate in a perfect solution article. 

There are mainly 3 types to backup your Magento 2 Store:

Let’s learn types to backup Magento 2 one by one.

Magento 2 backup via the Command line

Mainly, all the Magento 2 Backup are saved in the var/backups directory and the Magento admin can easily recover it at any time by utilizing the following command.

How to execute Magento 2 database backup using the command line:

Firstly, you have to change to the Magento file system owner. Now fire the below command.

The above command will switch a store into maintenance mode following the database, media, system file backups and ending it with switching off the maintenance mode.

You have successfully executed Magento 2 database backup using the command line.

Magento 2 backup via the Admin Panel

Step 1: Navigate to Admin Panel>System>Backups


Step 2: Select the type of backup you require from System Backup, Database and Media Backup, Database Backup


Step 3: If you select the System Backup then it will create a copy of the file system and database.

The Media and Database will generate a copy of the media folder and current database


Note: Make sure you utilize only spaces, 0-9 numbers and a-z/A-Z letters when creating a backup name and check the Maintenance mode checkbox during the Magento 2 backup.

Step 4: Verify the Backup:

There are no issues if you can view the message saying the backup is completed. In case of any error, you get a solution at Magento 2 Backup Issues.

You have successfully executed Magento 2 database backup using the Admin Panel.

Magento 2 Manual backup

This type is also considered as the safest, secured, and reliable Magento 2 backup. This allows you to export all the required files manually to your local system.

Step 1: Firstly, Backup your files

Access the file structure of your hosting file structure and search for the /public_html directory;

In case you have stored your Magento 2 site into a subfolder then search a folder within the /public_html directory and then download the directory to your system and save it to another hosting folder.

Step 2: Now, Export Database

Navigate to cPanel and select the phpMyAdmin service:


Choose the database name utilized for your Magento 2 website:

2.1 Database

Tap to ‘Export’ for downloading it to the local computer as an SQL. file:


You have successfully executed the Magento 2 Manual store backup.

Concluding Words:

Hopefully, all are able to execute the Magento 2 store backup perfectly. If you come across any queries then write it in the comment section I will be happy to help.

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Happy Reading!

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