Allowing customers to buy certain products while restricting others provides businesses with a strategic means to curate a tailored and cohesive shopping experience. This approach is particularly valuable for retailers offering complementary or interdependent products. By guiding customers towards compatible items and discouraging incompatible purchases, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, streamline their inventory management, and ultimately boost sales.

For example, there is a Shopify clothing brand that has allowed its customers to buy a dress but restricted the products that would not go with the dress. This strategy ensures a curated and fashionable outfit and also helps customers get an idea as to how to style the dress. This ultimately enhances their shopping experience and increases customer satisfaction.

Today, in this blog, we will learn about MageComp’s other amazing Shopify app, SKELTA Buy X Restrict Y, based on this concept: Buy X Restrict Y.

What is SKELTA Buy X Restrict Y?

SKELTA Buy X Restrict Y is a highly efficient and user-friendly Shopify application that is specifically designed to cater to the needs of Shopify business administrators. This advanced Shopify tool is packed with powerful features that empower you to revamp your product offerings in a way that is completely tailored to your customers’ needs.

With the SKELTA app, you can seamlessly apply restrictions and dependencies to your product catalogs & collections, allowing you to create a more streamlined and customer-centric shopping experience. Whether you are looking to offer bundled products, restrict certain products to specific customers, or create product bundles with discounts, SKELTA Buy X Restrict Y has got you covered. This powerful Shopify app is a must-have for any Shopify store looking to take its product offerings to the next level.

This app helps admins restrict and control the sale of products according to their business needs. You can limit buyers from purchasing incompatible items and create relationships between related products. There is no limit to how many pairs of dependent and restricted products you can create. These rules can be applied to products within collections. You can control your product inventory by allowing or restricting customer purchases based on predefined combinations of restrictions and dependencies.

Features of SKELTA Buy X Restrict Y

1. Global Restrictions

Suppose you have a certain product in your Shopify store that is not compatible with the rest of the products in your store, and so you want to restrict that particular product from being purchased with any other products. Then SKELTA Buy X Restrict Y app allows you to set the global restriction on that product.

Once you apply restrictions on those products, your customers will not be able to buy those particular products with any other products. If they need to buy the globally restricted products, they will need to buy them individually, without clubbing them with any other products.

For example, you have five different products in your Shopify store–A, B, C, D, and E.

Suppose, you applied the global restriction on product C. So, now, let’s understand this with some use cases.


Purchasing Scenario

Approved or Disapproved?


Wants to buy products A and B

Approved because the restriction is not violated.


Wants to buy products B and D

Disapproved because of the product they both restricted.


Wants to buy products C and E

Approved because the restriction is not violated.


Wants to buy products A and E

Disapproved because of the product they both restricted.

2. Product

Now, from this part of the features, you are provided with 2 options

  1. restricting the products
  2. creating dependencies between them
  • Applying Restrictions on Products

Let’s learn about applying restrictions on products with the same example we discussed above–products A, B, C, D and E.

Suppose you have applied restrictions between products A and E and products B and D. Now, let’s take a look at the purchasing scenarios.


Purchasing Scenario

Approved or Disapproved?


Wants to buy products A and B

Approved because the restriction is not violated.


Wants to buy products C and D

Disapproved because product C is globally restricted.


Wants to buy products C and E

Disapproved because product C is globally restricted.


Wants to buy products A and E

Approved because the restriction is not violated.


Wants to buy ONLY product C

Approved because the restriction is not violated.

Hence, your customers can buy any product with E except for product A and vice versa.

Similarly, your customers can buy any product with D except for product B and vice versa.

  • Creating Dependency between Products

Dependency is a feature in which you can mandate the purchase of a specific product with the purchase of another specific product.

Let’s learn this with an example. Imagine you have dairy products like milk, chocolate, buttermilk, curd and ice cream.

Suppose you have created a dependency between milk and chocolate and buttermilk and curd. So, now let’s see how this feature will work?

Customers Purchasing Scenario Approved or Disapproved?

Wants to buy ONLY buttermilk 

Disapproved as you have created dependency with curd.


Wants to buy curd and buttermilk

Approved as the dependency is not violated.


Wants to buy ONLY milk

Disapproved as you have created dependency with chocolate.


Wants to buy milk and chocolate

Approved as the dependency is not violated.

3. Collection

  • Restriction on Collections

There might be times when you need to restrict the majority of your products that fall under the same collection. Restricting every single product can deliver a poor customer shopping experience, which may increase cart abandonment rates.

In such cases, instead of restricting every product, you can choose to apply restrictions on the entire collection. By doing this, you can maintain transparency with your customers, and they will not get frustrated by getting their order restricted every now and then by trying different products from that entire collection in the hope of getting one product that is not restricted.

Learning this with an example, suppose you have the following 4 subcategories in the Men’s wear collection–

  • Formal Wear
  • Formal Shoes
  • Casual Wear
  • Sneakers

Now, you have created restrictions between Formal Wear and Sneakers and Formal Shoes and Casual Wear.

So, now, looking at some buying scenarios.

Customers Purchasing Scenario Approved or Disapproved?

Wants to buy a Formal Shirt & Black Sneakers

Disapproved as you have restricted the products from being bought together.


Wants to buy Casual Wear & Sneakers

Approved as they are not restricted from each other.


Wants to buy Formal Shoes & Casual Wear 

Disapproved as you have restricted the products from being bought together.


Wants to buy Formal Shirt & Formal Shoes

Approved as they are not restricted from each other.

  • Dependency Between Collections

The concept of creating dependencies on collections is the same as it was for products, so let’s take this straight to the point and learn with an example.

Imagine the same product collections we used in the above example for restricting the collections; just change the cases and imagine you have created dependency instead of restrictions, i.e.,

Product 1 Product 2 Actions
Formal Wear Formal Shoes Dependent
Casual Wear Sneakers Dependent

So, now, looking at some buying scenarios.

Customers Purchasing Scenario Approved or Disapproved?

Want to buy a Formal shirt

Disapproved as you have created a dependency on formal shoes


Want to buy Casual Wear & Sneakers

Approved as they are dependent on each other.


Want to buy Sneakers 

Disapproved as you have created a dependency on casual wear


Want to buy a Formal Shirt & Formal Shoes

Approved as they are dependent on each other.


1. Alert Messages for Product Restrictions & Dependencies

From this settings section, you can customize the alert messages that will be displayed to your customers whenever their product purchasing scenarios violate any of the applied conditions, whether it is restriction or dependency.

2. Alert Messages for Collection Restrictions & Dependencies

This section will allow you to customize the alert message that will appear on your customers’ screens whenever they buy products from restricted collections or buy products from one single collection, which is chosen to be dependent on another collection.

By using these features, you can keep your customers notified about your restrictions and dependencies on your store.


Details FREE PRO Plan
Price 7-days FREE Trial




Features Access to all the app’s features for 7 days
  • Allowed to set global restrictions.
  • Allowed to set dependencies & restrictions on products.
  • Allowed to set dependencies & restrictions on collections.
  • Allowed to configure alert messages for any condition violation.

Bottom Line

The SKELTA Buy X Restrict Y Shopify app empowers eCommerce store administrators with a robust tool to tailor their product offerings and streamline the shopping experience. By effortlessly applying restrictions and dependencies between products, admins can prevent incompatible purchases and create logical connections within their inventory. This app not only enhances the efficiency of product management but also ensures a seamless and customer-friendly shopping journey.

With the ability to establish rules across collections, SKELTA Buy X Restrict Y provides with a flexible solution for customizing product interactions, ultimately contributing to a more organized and user-centric online store.

If you find any difficulties with this app, kindly contact us and our experienced Shopify developers will assist you with all your difficulties.

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