Magento 2 Quick Order Extension

Enable your customers to place bulk orders without traversing through different product pages. Customers can simply search item by its SKU or name. Once the product is found, they can add it to cart and proceed to checkout to complete the transaction.

  • Allow customers to place mass orders quickly.
  • Search product by SKU or name.
  • Supports simple, configurable, and group products.
  • Update quantity from Quick Order page itself.
  • Directly proceed to checkout from Quick Order page.
  • Enable quick orders for specific customer groups.
  • Hyvä Addon Available.
  • Compatible with Hyvä React Checkout.

It is very important to allow B2B buyers to place bulk quantity orders with minimal clicks. Also, they are processing a large number of products. So visiting every product page & adding to cart is totally impractical. Moreover, B2B customers place repeat orders so there is no need to look at the product description each time while placing the orders. Therefore, the store owner has got to look after making the order placement process quicker. MageComp has come up with a useful plugin to help store owners accelerate the order placement process especially for B2B customers

MageComp’s Magento 2 Quick Order extension allows the B2B customers to place bulk orders straight away without navigating product pages. Simply enable the extension to add a Quick Order option to the website header. The admin can enable it for all or a specific customer groups. Shoppers can search products using SKU or name. The module supports searching for the following 3 types of products.

  • Simple products
  • Grouped products
  • Configurable products

The customers can even view the special and tier pricing of the product. The customers are able to update the quantity and delete any product. Easily add products to cart and proceed to checkout for rapid order placement. It helps save customers time and boost sales.


Benefits of Magento 2 Quick Order Extension


Quick Bulk Order Placement by Customers

Magento 2 Quick Order module permits shoppers to speedily place orders in mass quantities all at once without getting on product pages.

Quick Bulk Order Placement by CustomersQuick Bulk Order Placement by Customers
Switch to Quick Order Page from Website HeaderSwitch to Quick Order Page from Website Header

Switch to Quick Order Page from Website Header

This quick order by SKU extension adds a Quick Order link to the website header. Customers can easily switch to the Quick Order page by clicking on it.

Search Products by SKU / Name & Add to Cart

Using Quick Order for Magento 2 extension, buyers can search products by SKU or name in search box & add them to their shopping cart.

Search Products by SKU / Name & Add to CartSearch Products by SKU / Name & Add to Cart

Support Various Types of Products for Quick Order

Quick Order Magento 2 plugin enables customers to find the following sorts of products & add them to cart & check out swiftly.

  • Simple products
  • Configurable products
  • Grouped products

Capable of Updating Quantity from Quick Order Page

Offer the convenience to modify product quantities effortlessly from Quick Order page. Customers can also delete products right from there.

Capable of Updating Quantity from Quick Order PageCapable of Updating Quantity from Quick Order Page
Immediately Proceed to Checkout from Quick Order PageImmediately Proceed to Checkout from Quick Order Page

Immediately Proceed to Checkout from Quick Order Page

Clicking Proceed to Checkout button redirects customers to checkout phrase to complete the eCommerce transaction.

Grant Previleges to Specific Customer Groups for Quick Orders

Option to select specific customer groups that are eligible to utilize the quick order facility.

Grant Previleges to Specific Customer Groups for Quick OrdersGrant Previleges to Specific Customer Groups for Quick Orders
Quick Order Functionality Available to Guest UsersQuick Order Functionality Available to Guest Users

Quick Order Functionality Available to Guest Users

Quick order by SKU extension also allows guest users to access Quick Order page. The users don't need to get logged in to access it.

Add Product to Cart without Visiting Product Pages

Customers don't have to visit plenty of product pages to add items to cart. They can just search products by typing SKU or name in the search text box and click on Add to Cart button to add the products to the cart.

Add Product to Cart without Visiting Product PagesAdd Product to Cart without Visiting Product Pages

Support Products with Special & Tier Pricing

Quick Order extension for Magento 2 allows customers to check special & tier prices and promptly place orders.



Why Choose MageComp’s Magento 2 Quick Order Extension?


  • Let customers purchase large quantities in a flash.
  • Add a Quick Order option on the website header.
  • Use product SKU or name to search the product & directly add to cart.
  • Compatible with 3 kinds of products.
    • Simple products
    • Grouped products
    • Configurable products
  • Show special & tier pricing details of the products.
  • Specify user groups to use Quick Order option on your store.
  • Change the quantity of the product from the table.
  • Allow switching to checkout from Quick Order page.
  • Save customers' time and accelerate the order placement process.
  • No need to navigate all product pages to order items.
Write Your Own Review
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Version 1.0.3 Date : 22-11-2023

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.6 version

- Minor bug fixing

Version 1.0.2 Date : 10-06-2023

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.6 version

- Minor bug fixing

Version 1.0.1 Date : 16-02-2023

- Compatible with special price and tier price

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.5 version

- Minor bug fixing

Customer Questions
Once we buy this extension, can it be used on 2 websites?
You are allowed to use the extension in one production website and 2 development websites.
You can enter all as comma-separated in the domain field while purchasing the extension on our website.
Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions