Hello Magento Friends,

In this article, we will learn How to Configure DHL Carrier in your Magento 2 Store. 

Best shipping service is the first priority for all e-commerce stores to provide their customers. Therefore when you integrate DHL service into your Magento 2 store you can help your store customers to place orders for anything such as products, goods, letters, etc. We can say that DHL is a flawless resolution for complex shipping requirements.

Are you willing to integrate DHL Carrier in your Magento 2 store? Check out the stuff you will require for connecting your Magento 2 store to the DHL server in the below-given illustration. Instead of configuring the DHL Carrier in your Magento 2 Store integrate the Magento 2 Order Tracking extension and automate your shipping configuration.

Create a DHL merchant account from here.

Steps to Configure DHL Carrier in Magento 2 Store:

Step 1: Apply DHL

Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration and explore the sales option and select delivery methods.

Explore the DHL option.

Enabled for Checkout: Set to YES

Title: Add the title for the shipping method to display on the frontend of your Magento 2 store.

Gateway URL: Add the gateway URL for calculating the shipping rate of DHL.

Add the credentials given by DHL in the below-given fields:

  • Access ID
  • Password
  • Account Number


Step 2: Now we will set up the package description and handling fees

Content type: Select anyone for the type of package you ship such as Documents or Non-documents

Calculate Handling Fee: Choose the Handling Fee method as per your convenience from:

  • Fixed
  • Percentage

Handling Applied: Choose the Handling Applied method as per your convenience from:

  • Per Order
  • Per Package

Handling Fee: Add the price to charge your customers on the basis of the Method you have selected to calculate the price.

Divide Order Weight: Set the Divide Order Weight to yes for allowing the total order weight to be broken up to check the precise calculation.

Weight Unit: Select the weight unit as per your requirement from:

  • Pounds
  • Kilograms

Size: Select the size as per your requirement from:

  • Regular
  • Specific

After the selection of the size, you will require to add the Height, Depth, and Width of the package in centimeters.


Step 3: Specify allowed delivery methods

Allowed Methods: Select the methods as per your desire to provide your customers. You can also multi-select using the CTRL-key.

Ready Time: Add the number of hours after the order is placed and the package is ready to ship.

Display Error Message: Add the Displayed Error Message as per your requirement. This error message will be displayed when the selected method is unavailable.

Free Method: Choose the DHL service you need to apply for free shipping

Free Shipping Amount Threshold: Choose the Enable option and add the minimum amount of order to qualify for free shipping.


Step 4: Specify the applicable countries

Ship to Applicable Countries: Select from the below options:

All Allowed Countries: DHL is supported for every country.

Specific Countries: DHL will be supported as per the selection of the countries.

Show Method if Not Applicable: Set to YES for displaying DHL shipping method.

Debug: Set to YES if you need to generate a log file with the details of DHL shipments.


Save the Configuration.

That’s It

Wrap Up:

Hopefully, all are able to Configure DHL Carrier in your Magento 2 stores. In case of any errors you face during configuration ask in the comment section below

Share the solution with your Magento 2 Merchant Friends.

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