Hello Shopify Friends, ?

Welcome back to another brand new Shopify tutorial just for you.

Today in this tutorial, we have covered the topic of blog post scheduling on Shopify website.

Why Does Your Shopify Blog Post Need Scheduling?

Content marketing is gaining pace in this digital world. Digital marketers have concluded that eCommerce websites and businesses are benefitted a lot from content marketing strategies. Blog posting is a part of effective content marketing strategies. Posting blogs on your Shopify website help you spread your business ideas, aims and your knowledge.

Composing a blog post does not mean you have to post it straight away. If you have written a blog post showcasing any upcoming event, then posting that blog now, before the event even happens, will not reward you with desired website traffic. But if you publish the blog post during the event, then it will reward you with high website traffic as that particular event is the hot topic during that time.

How to Do the Blog Post Scheduling?

Step 1 –

Go to Shopify Admin > Online Store > Blog posts.

How to Schedule Blog Posts in Shopify

Step 2 –

You will be redirected to the blog post page, where you need to create a new blog post.

How to Schedule Blog Posts in Shopify

Step 3 –

As you have selected Create blog post option, the editor page will open to you.

Now, as we have to perform blog post scheduling, you have to choose the Visibility option beside the field where you have uploaded your blog content.

How to Schedule Blog Posts in Shopify

Step 4 –

In the Visibility option, choose the option Set visibility date.

How to Schedule Blog Posts in Shopify

Step 5 –

As you select the set date option, two fields be accessible to you: one for date and another for time.

How to Schedule Blog Posts in Shopify

Step 6 –

Set the date and time at which you want your blog post to be published.

Once you have set the date and time, Save your settings and schedule your Shopify blog.

Ending Note

Blog scheduled easily… ?

Blog posting or scheduling is very beneficiary for businesses as it helps content creators and digital marketers maintain the consistency of their marketing strategies and spread their word to a wide range of customers.

If you have any queries regarding any of the Shopify features, contact our Shopify experts and get the solution to your queries.

Happy Shopifying! ?


Frequently Asked Questions

(1) Can I schedule blog posts in Shopify?

Answer: Yes, you can schedule blog posts in Shopify to be published at a future date and time.

(2) How do I schedule a blog post in Shopify?

Answer: To schedule a blog post in Shopify, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard.
  2. Go to the “Online Store” section and click on “Blog Posts.”
  3. Click on the “Create blog post” button or edit an existing draft.
  4. Write or edit your blog post content.
  5. In the “Visibility” section, click on the “Set a specific publish date and time” option.
  6. Select the date and time when you want the blog post to be published.
  7. Review and make any other necessary changes to the blog post.
  8. Click on “Save” or “Save and publish” to schedule the blog post.

(3) Can I edit or delete a scheduled blog post?

Answer: Yes, you can edit or delete a scheduled blog post before it is published. Simply go to the “Blog Posts” section, locate the scheduled post, and make the desired changes or delete it.

(4) How can I view or manage my scheduled blog posts?

Answer: To view or manage your scheduled blog posts in Shopify:

  1. Go to the “Online Store” section and click on “Blog Posts.”
  2. On the blog posts page, click on the “Scheduled” tab.
  3. Here, you can see a list of all your scheduled blog posts, their publish dates, and make any necessary edits or delete them.

(5) Will a scheduled blog post automatically publish?

Answer: Yes, a scheduled blog post will automatically publish at the specified date and time. You do not need to take any further action.

(6) Can I preview a scheduled blog post before it is published?

Answer: Yes, you can preview a scheduled blog post before it is published. In the blog post editor, click on the “Preview” button to see how the post will look when published.

(7) Can I change the publish date and time of a scheduled blog post?

Answer: Yes, you can change the publish date and time of a scheduled blog post. Simply locate the scheduled post in the “Blog Posts” section, click on it to open the editor, and modify the publish date and time in the “Visibility” section.

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