How to install Magento 2 on Windows on XAMPP server with GIT

How to install Magento 2 on Windows on XAMPP server with GIT

This is merely an alternative step by step guide to install Magento 2 on Windows on XAMPP server with GIT.

We will keep this guide updated with the problems if you or we face and solutions of those.

With the latest GitHub push, Magento 2 can now be downloaded and installed completely using Composer! Composer is used to manage the dependency.

Check system Configuration

Apache Version: 2.2 or 2.4 and Enable: mod_rewrite.mod_rewrite enables the server to perform URL rewriting.

PHP: 5.4.x where x = 11 or later  5.5.x and

Enable PHP Extension: PDO/MySQL,mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, simplexml, curl, gd2, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both soap. XAMPP doesn’t have all the php dll installed, you may need to download some like php_imagick.dll, php_mcrypt.dll, php_mhash.dll

MySQL Version : 5.6.x and upper

  1. Download the Git GUI software from
  2. Install on your windows OS normally.
  3. Once installed you will see following screen
  4. Click on Clone Existing RepositoryImage 9
  5. Enter Source Location :
  6. Target Directory will be your XAMPP htdocs, something like thisImage 10
  7. Let Process finish
  8. Once finished, you will see the Magento 2 clone files at the Target Directory. Files are something likeImage 12
  9. Download composer set up for windows
  10. Once downloaded, copy Composer-Setup.exe and paste it in the root of Magento2 files. See above screenshot.
  11. add xdebug.max_nesting_level=50000; at php.ini2015-10-05_200526
  12. Open Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
  13. Go to the path of Magento 2 directory in htdocs of XAMPP
  14. Run this command
    composer install
  15. Process shall be started,Image 6
  16. Once complete, you should get this screen2015-10-05_200700
  17. If you want to install the Magento with sample data.  There are 3 methods for it.

    a. Method 1

    Enable the sample data. Find the composer.json in the root of Magento2 files. Open it and add.

    "minimum-stability": "alpha",


  18. Now run following command
    composer config repositories.magento composer


  19. Run composer require magento/sample-data:~1.0.0-beta2015-10-05_202647
  20. Wait for the process to finish.
  21. The final step would be to install the sample data itself. Run the magento executable in the bin folder of your Magento 2 installation like the following:
    php magento setup:upgrade
    php magento sampledata:install <your Magento administrator user name>

    b. Method 2
    1. Find composer.json in the root of Magento
    2. Search for the “repositories” section, if it is available in the file and add following block. If not available then add the whole block.

    . Save the composer.json file
    4. Open Command Prompt and go to Magento installation directory.
    Run command

    composer update

    5. Now run the installation steps.

    C. Method 3
    1. Find the composer.json to include the new Sample Data repository. If you don’t  want to directly edit this file. You run the following command to complete this action:

    composer config repositories.magento composer

    2. Run following command to add the sample data and sample data media packages

    composer require magento/sample-data:0.42.0.beta1 magento/sample-data-media:0.42.0-beta1 –dev

    3. Install the sample data using following command.

    php dev/tools/Magento/Tools/SampleData/install.php –admin_username=admin

    admin is the username here, change it to yours.
    Process may take sometime, be patient. If you interrupt, it can corrupt or crash the Magento.

  22. Head over to browser now and go to the url : http://localhost/magento2
    You should be able to seen this screenImage 18
  23. Click on Agree and Setup Magento and click Next
  24. It will start Readiness Check, like php version, php settings check, Php extensions check, File permission check.Image 19
  25. You should receive following screen if everything goes fine. Click Next.Image 20
  26. Next screen is to configure the database details.Image 21
  27. Web configuration screenImage 22
  28. If you have already donloaded sample data then this screen will show the option. Set default time zone and click on Next.Image 23
  29. Create admin account and configure it.Image 25
  30. Click Next you will see, Ready Install button, go ahead and let process finish.Image 26
  31. Once installed, go to frontend and backend to check the brand new Magento 2.0.

Problems I faced.

    1. I got error first time,
      Problem 1

– The requested PHP extension ext-intl * is missing from your system.

Solution : Go to php.ini and enable uncomment the2015-10-05_195736

2. If you are stuck with the token and getting error something like,

Could not fetch{module} , please create a Github QAuth token to go over the API rate limit. Head to……..To retrieve token. It will be stored in “C:/user/appdata/user/roaming/composer/auth.js” for future use by composer.


Go to the link in browser which is written after “Head to” , login with your password in github. Click on generate token. Get token > copy it > paste it SSH where it is asking for the token (hidden).

Process will be resumed.

3. I have successfully installed Magento2 but CSS and JS are missing. Getting this error “NetworkError 404 Not Found – path of Css or JS.

Solution 1:

You get 404 responses probably because you don’t have mod_rewrite enabled.

Solution 2:

It might be because of pub/static folder. There is a ‘cache’ system for these static resources. Every time Magento requests a resource from pub/static, if the file does not exist the request is rewritten to ../static.php?resource={resource name here}.

Run this command,

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

The command will copy all the static resources from each module to the pub/static folder. This process will take time so have patience. So everytime even you made change in any static content of module, don’t forget to run above command to see the effect.

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View Comments (28)
    1. i installed magento 2 but facing problem 404 not found. tried the first solution but its not working could you please tell me that where i suppose to run this solution 2 code

    2. You will need to run this command in command promt, you can also try shell in XAMPP. You can find it while starting the XAMPP program on your windows.

  1. I have installed magneto 2 successfully. Thanks for this post. This post is very helpful and very user friendly to understand. Thanks once again for this post. 🙂

  2. i’m a bit of topic but i’m wondering if you have a solution. I installed magento 2.2 on a live server but the backend css is missing so everything is blanc but usable. Any idea how to fix this?

  3. When doing composer install, it installs some of the modules, then it gives the error –

    Installing magento/composer
    Downloading 100%
    Failed to download magento/composer from dist: The checksum verification of the file failed

    Runtime exception
    Failed to clone, git was not found , check that it is installed and in your path env

    Any help would be appreciated

  4. saeed yaghuti

    in ” b. Method 2 ” when I run
    “composer update” command , cmd asks me for inserting username and password!
    I can insert username but when it is time to insert password I stroke Keys on keyboard but don’t type anything in cmd?
    Is there any solution?

    1. You will need to enter your public and private key as a username and password from magento connect account.
      Password won’t be displayed, if you have copied in clipboard, just paste it by right click and press enter.

  5. Joshua Pernito

    Hi, in “add xdebug.max_nesting_level=50000; at php.ini”. I can’t find my php.ini. Only “php.ini.sample”

  6. Hi, I installed magento 2 successfully. But my backend\en_US, frontend\Magento\luma\en_US asset files are not there in those 2 folders.
    So, please tell me how can i get those files

  7. Thank you for providing this walk through.
    I got all the way to installing Sample Data and tried Method 1 and the result was “Key minimum-stability is a duplicate in ./composer.json at line 243”

    Any clue on getting past this?
    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

  8. Hi,

    i followd to point 13. But if i want to start “composer install” in my command line, i get this message:

    “C:\xampp\htdocs\Mangento2>composer install
    Der Befehl “composer” ist entweder falsche geschrieben oder
    konnte nicht gefunden werden.”

    Where is the Problem?
    Best Regrads

  9. Thanks for this! This helped me alot. The Bitnami install was missing something from my end so I had to reinstall it again. This time I used your tutorial.

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