Hello Magento Folks?,

How are things going on? Today in this article I will illustrate to you all How to Get Current Category in Magento 2. Don’t forget to visit our previously published blog How to set Magento 2 recently viewed products. Without further ado let’s begin today’s illustration How to Get Current Category in Magento 2 ?


Mainly, to get current category details in Magento 2 means retrieving all the information that is present on the category page for example current category name, current category id and many other category details. Magento 2 with all the rich features includes the registry is for storing data. Therefore, we will initiate by getting the category data from the registry. Follow the below-given steps to Get current category in Magento 2.

Steps to Get the Current Category in Magento2:

Step 1: To get current category firstly we will need to create one block file on our custom extension

add Blockname.php in the following path


now add following code

Step 2: Now we will get a current category in the template phtml file

That’s It.

Final Words:

Hopefully with the help of the above illustration all are able to get current category information in Magento 2. Also, make sure you share the blog with your Magento developer friends. If you have any queries to get current category or related to Magento 2 then comment down in the comment box below I will be happy to help you.

Happy Coding


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