Hello, Magento Folks,

Last time we learned how you can Remove decimals from quantity in the product grid of Magento 2 admin. Today we are here to explain how you can show the list of all categories with links at the sidebar on the category page in Magento 2.

When you need to show all of the categories to the customer, you can do so with the help of coding knowledge. You can show a list of all categories so the customer can easily navigate from one category to another with ease. The following code will add all of the categories with links to the sidebar of the category page.

Magento 2 Mobile APP

1] First, we need to add 2columns-left.xml file at the following path:


2] Now you need to add category.phtml at the following path:


3] Now You Need to create Categorylist.php file at the following path:


And that’s it for the day. Using these codes, you will be able to show the list of all categories with links at the sidebar on the category page of Magento 2. Feel free to implement these codes as per your needs. If you face any problem while doing so, then you can contact our Support team for help. We will be happy to help you.

Lastly, let us know what you feel about this article in the comment section below. Also, don’t forget to share this with your Magento partners and colleagues.

Happy Coding?

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