In today’s tutorial, we will learn about Database Seeder in Laravel 8 with Example. I will guide you on How to create Seeder, What is the command for Database Seeder and How to run Seeder in Laravel 8.

What is Database Seeder in Laravel?

Laravel provides a simple method to seed test data into a database using seeder classes. You can perform database seeding in Laravel to add fake data into the database for testing purposes.

Database Seeder in Laravel 8 Example

Step 1: Create Seeder Command 

After you run the above command, it will create one file UserSeeder.php in the seeds folder. The seed classes are stored in the database/seeders directory.

Step 2: Calling Additional Seeders

The call method is used to execute additional seed classes within the DatabaseSeeder class. It allows you to break up your database seeding into multiple files so that no single seeder class becomes too large. The call method accepts an array of seeder classes that should be executed.

Step 3: Running Seeders

Command to run seeder

Command for single seeder run

You can also seed your database using the migrate:fresh command in combination with the –seed option. This command drops all tables, re-runs all of your migrations, and re-building your database.


This way, you can create a database seeder in Laravel. If you have any doubts, connect with our experienced Laravel Developers, who will help you with your queries. Share the tutorial with your friends and stay in touch with us to learn more.

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