Hyvä is gradually gaining popularity in this current market, and even 3.5% of Magento websites have upgraded to Hyvä themes. Despite such an increasing popularity, many admins struggle with some concerns about Hyvä theme integration into their websites. So here we are to solve some of your frequently asked questions about Hyvä themes.


Definition and Cost

Ques 1 – What is Hyvä?

Hyvä is a Magento 2 frontend theme made of a collection of tools and themes needed for an eCommerce website. Hyvä themes have dumped the heavy and complex coding of JavaScripts by favoring the lightweight technologies of Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. As a result, Hyvä themes deliver an unbelievably faster-loading website that is not only responsive but also SEO optimized.

Ques 2 – What is the cost of Hyvä theme development?

Hyvä has a one-time purchase only, the price of which is €1000 (excl. VAT) per license.

Once you have purchased the theme, you will have complete access to its ecosystem. You will also get access to a Slack channel, documentation, multiple resources, the Hyvä developers community, and much more, along with the one-time purchase.

To learn more, what is the total cost of the development of the Hyvä theme?

Ques 3 – Does Hyvä provide any trial version?

Unfortunately, Hyvä does not provide a trial version of its theme. However, it does provide a demo store, which you can check out from this link: https://demo.hyva.io/. From the link provided, you can easily explore the theme’s features.


Ques 4 – Can all slow-loading issues be solved by upgrading to Hyvä?

Yes and No.

Yes, the Hyvä theme is speed optimized, which effortlessly delivers a faster-loading Magento website.

But, no, it does not solve all the issues that are responsible for a website’s sluggish behavior.

Well, the case is that there are multiple reasons responsible for a website’s sluggish behavior, and not every problem can be controlled by Hyvä.

  • Server Problems – If the servers on your hosting plan are slow, have limited resources, or are poorly configured, no theme can fully resolve these issues.
  • Media files are not optimized – Large image files or videos without proper compression can significantly slow down a website, regardless of the theme being used.
  • Insufficient Plugins – Even when using Hyva, poorly coded third-party extensions can still cause performance issues.
  • Database Issues – Complex database queries or a poorly configured database can create bottlenecks that Hyva is unable to mitigate.

Improving Magento frontend speed can be significantly enhanced by implementing the Hyva theme. For optimal results, it is recommended to pair Hyva with efficient hosting, image optimization, selective extension integration, and potential database optimization.

Ques 5 – Can the Hyva Theme guarantee that my Magento website will load quickly permanently?

Remember that performance optimization is an ongoing process. It’s important to regularly monitor and make adjustments, even when using a fast theme like Hyva. Consider using tools such as PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse to track your Core Web Vitals over time.

Features and Functionalities

Ques 6 – Are multi-store or multi-lingual stores supported with Hyvä?

Hyvä themes in Magento 2 fully support multi-store and multi-language setups, allowing you to easily set up different stores and language versions using familiar methods found in traditional Magento themes.

Ques 7 – Is Hyvä Headless?

Even though Hyva’s themes are often associated with headless architecture, they are not inherently headless. This means that they still depend on Magento’s backend for essential functions such as data handling, business logic, and database interactions and do not operate as a completely decoupled frontend.

Ques 8 – PWA vs. Hyvä?

Refer to our blog – Hyvä Vs. PWA: Which one is the Best Frontend Theme For Your Website?

Ques 9  – Which systems are required while running a Hyvä Theme website?

  • Web Server – When choosing a web server, you can opt for either Apache or Nginx. Nginx is often recommended due to its superior performance, especially for high-traffic websites.
  • PHP – Regarding PHP compatibility, it’s important to note that Hyva supports PHP 7.4 and newer versions. However, for the best performance and security, it is advisable to use PHP 8.0 or a newer version.
  • My SQL- When it comes to MySQL, it’s essential to use version 5.6 or later.
  • Elastic Search – Elastic search is a crucial component of advanced search functionality. Generally, version 7.6.x is recommended to ensure optimal performance and capability.
  • RAM and CPU – When determining the allocation of RAM and CPU, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of your store, including its size and anticipated traffic. Increasing resources generally leads to better performance.

For personalized recommendations tailored to your needs, consulting with your hosting provider or developer is recommended.

Ques 10 – Is my Magento version compatible with the Hyva theme?

Compatibility between a Hyva theme and your Magento version is determined by the specific Hyva theme and your Magento 2 version. It’s important to note that compatibility can differ even within Magento 2— for example, a Hyva theme may support Magento 2.4.3 CE but not earlier versions.

Ques 11 – How can I verify if all my extensions are compatible with the Hyvä theme?

When integrating the Hyvä Theme with your existing Magento extensions, it’s important to ensure compatibility. We recommend consulting the official documentation for both the Hyvä theme and your specific extensions to ensure a smooth integration.

If you encounter any issues or need further guidance, you can reach out to the support teams or community forums associated with either the Hyvä theme or the extension in question.

MageComp’s Hyvä Theme Development Service addresses potential compatibility concerns. We focus on providing seamless integration between your chosen Hyvä theme and all your essential Magento extensions, offering you peace of mind and a fully functional online store.

Implementation and Support

Ques 12 – Do I need to hire Hyvä theme development agency to support me?

Of course, yes. To ensure a successful development process, it is highly recommended to have a team of developers with expertise in using Hyva or at least one developer with specialized knowledge in this area.

Their experience can help avoid common issues and streamline the entire development process, especially when building an online store with Hyva, which is better suited for experienced developers rather than beginners.

Ques 13 – How much is the cost of Hyvä theme implementation?

The total cost of implementing the Hyvä Theme can vary depending on various factors.

Essential costs to consider include the Hyvä Themes License, which has a one-time fee of €1,000 (approximately $1,080) and provides access to the theme’s source code and unlimited updates.

Additionally, the Hyvä Checkout Module (optional) has a separate license fee of €1,000 (approximately $1,080) if you choose to replace the default Magento checkout.

Moreover, theme implementation typically involves design customization and development work, with costs ranging from $500 to several thousand dollars, depending on the complexity and the agency or developer you select.

Ques 14 – Are there any starter kits or pre-built Hyvä themes?

Here’s where you can find pre-built Hyva themes:

  • Hyva Themes Marketplace: The official Hyva marketplace provides a variety of pre-built Hyva themes, including both free and premium options.
  • Individual Developers/Agencies: Several web development agencies that focus on Hyva also provide pre-built themes or starter kits. These can be found on their websites or by conducting an online search. For instance, Aureate Labs offers pre-built Hyva templates on their website.

To find starter kits, you can visit GitHub and search for them using this link: https://github.com/hyva-themes/magento2-hyva-checkout.

Additionally, explore the starter kits developed by members of the Hyva community, which are often available on forums and project hosting platforms.

Migration Process

Ques 15 – How can I migrate a Magento store to the Hyvä theme? 

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer in-depth instructions on integrating the Hyva Theme into a Magento store within the confines of this article.

For comprehensive guidance on this process, please consult the following article for additional information!

Read more – How to Install Hyvä Themes in Magento 2?

Ques 16 – When migrating an existing Magento theme to a Hyvä Theme, what is the most challenging aspect?

Preparing thoroughly before migrating your Magento store to a Hyva theme can significantly reduce technical difficulties. The most challenging part of the process is the frontend reimplementation.

Hyva’s unique approach requires incorporating significant portions of your frontend, which may necessitate recoding custom frontend features or complex layouts from your existing theme.

Ques 17 – Will the Hyvä Theme change how my website looks? Do I need to redesign my website from the beginning?

When you switch to a Hyvä Theme, it will bring significant changes to your website’s front end. Since Hyvä has its components, it may alter the look and feel of your website.

While you won’t need to start from scratch, you will need to make several adjustments and modifications to align with the latest standards and features of this theme.

Question 18: What other difficulties might arise after switching to the Hyvä theme?

  • Extension Conflicts: When using Hyva, it’s important to note that not all Magento extensions will function seamlessly. Some may need modifications, while others may need to be substituted with Hyva-compatible alternatives. This necessitates careful evaluation and strategic planning.
  • Less Reliance on XML: Hyva continues to leverage Magento’s XML layout system to a certain extent, but it is now placing greater emphasis on Tailwind and Alpine.js. This shift necessitates adjustments in the development processes.
  • Potential Data Migration Complexities: When migrating to Hyva, it’s important to consider how your existing theme manages data and customizations. Depending on the setup, you may need to adjust data structures or develop migration scripts to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Thorough Testing: It’s important to conduct thorough testing. Even if extensions are said to be compatible with Hyva, it’s still possible that unexpected issues or interactions may occur, necessitating debugging and optimization.

Additional Customization

Ques 19 – What checkout options does Hyvä Themes offer?

3 checkout solutions are available for Hyva Themes:

  • Magento Default Checkout: Hyvä themes seamlessly integrate all standard payment methods available within Magento, such as card payments, cash on delivery, PayPal, bank transfers, and additional options.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: With Hyvä, you can easily integrate with various payment gateways, expanding the range of payment options available to you. Whether it’s Stripe, Braintree, or other popular gateways, Hyvä allows you to offer diverse payment methods to cater to the needs of your customers effortlessly.
  • Third-Party Checkout Solutions: When integrating popular checkout extensions with Hyvä, it is essential to verify their compatibility by consulting the extension provider or seeking guidance within the Hyvä community.

Ending Note

As a store owner, it’s important to focus on retaining visitors to your website. The Hyva theme for Magento 2 can be a valuable resource in achieving this goal.

With its strong community support, efficient development process, and focus on performance, the Hyva theme has gained trust and recognition in the e-commerce industry.

Considering the Hyva theme could be a pivotal step towards making a significant impact on your online store.

Upgrade your Magento store to Hyvä themes with us!

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