Hello Magento Friends,

Today’s blog will teach us about creating a custom indexer in Magento 2.

Magento 2 utilizes indexing to improve the performance of data retrieval operations. There are many default indexes provided by Magento 2. If you have custom data structures or additional attributes that are not covered by the default Magento 2 indexes, a custom indexer allows you to create indexes tailored to your specific needs.

Let’s learn How to Create a Custom Indexer in Magento 2.

Steps to Create Custom Indexer in Magento 2:

Step 1: First, we need to create an “indexer.xml” file inside the extension at the following path.


Now, add the code as follows

Let us see in detail all attributes of the indexer.xml file:

  • id: unique indexer id.
  • view_id: id of the view element, which is defined in mview.xml file
  • class: Add a class of indexer method.
  • shared_index: To improve performance if your indexer is related to another indexer.
  • title: Add title of indexer.
  • description: Add description of indexer.

Step 2: After that, we need to create the “mview.xml” file inside the extension at the following path.


Then add the below code

Step 3: After that, we need to create an “Indexer.php” file inside the extension at the following path.


And add the below-mentioned code snippet

Once all files are created in your Magento, you need to run Magento upgrade, compile and deploy commands.


custom indexer magento 2


Using the above steps, you can create a custom indexer in Magento 2. If you have any doubts regarding this, you can share them with me through the comment box, and I will quickly provide you with the solution. For any customization requirements for your store, Hire Magento Developer.

Share the tutorial with your friends, and stay updated with our latest Magento solutions.

Happy Coding!

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