Deploying a Laravel application can be a daunting task for developers new to the process. However, with a clear understanding of the steps involved and the available tools, you can streamline the deployment process and ensure a smooth transition from development to production.

Steps to Deploy Laravel Application:

Step 1: Prepare Your Environment

Choose Your Hosting Provider

Select a hosting provider that meets the needs of your Laravel application. Popular choices include DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS, and shared hosting providers like Bluehost or SiteGround.

Server Requirements

Ensure your server meets Laravel’s requirements:

  • PHP >= 8.0
  • Composer
  • A database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.)
  • A web server (Nginx or Apache)

Step 2: Set Up Your Server

Update Your Server

Start by updating your server’s package list and upgrading existing packages.

Install PHP and Dependencies

Install Composer

Composer is essential for managing PHP dependencies.

Step 3: Set Up Your Database

Install and Configure MySQL

If using MySQL, install and secure it:

Create a database and user for your Laravel application:

Configure Environment Variables

Update your .env file with the database credentials:

Step 4: Deploy Your Laravel Application

Clone Your Repository

Clone your Laravel application from your version control system

Install Dependencies

Install the PHP dependencies using Composer:

Set Permissions

Ensure the storage and bootstrap/cache directories are writable:

Run Migrations and Seeders

Run database migrations and seeders to set up your database schema and initial data:

Generate Application Key

Generate a new application key:

Step 5: Configure Your Web Server

Nginx Configuration

Create a new Nginx configuration file:

Add the following configuration:

Enable the configuration and restart Nginx:

Apache Configuration

If using Apache, create a new virtual host configuration:

Add the following configuration:

Enable the site and rewrite module:

Step 6: Final Steps

Set Up SSL

Secure your site with SSL. You can use Let’s Encrypt for a free SSL certificate:

Monitor and Maintain

Set up monitoring tools to keep an eye on server performance and application health. Tools like New Relic, Sentry, or even simple log monitoring can be valuable.


Congratulations! Your Laravel application should now be up and running on your server. By following these steps and leveraging the right tools, you can successfully deploy your application and ensure optimal performance. Consider hiring experienced Laravel developers for automated deployments, setting up continuous integration, and regularly updating your dependencies and server packages to keep everything secure.

Happy Coding!

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