Hello Magento Folks,
How are you all? Have you all took the advantage of the MageComp Diwali offers? It’s the last day for MageComp Big Diwali Sale 2020. Shop now and get huge discounts on Magento Extensions and Services. In this article, I will guide you How to Add Magento 2 Sort by Price for Low to High & High to Low Options. Let’s get started.
Quick Intro:
Ecommerce stores must have precise and user-friendly navigation that makes the customers way easy to shop from your store. Sorting is a major component to provide for user’s ease and effortless searching for the product they are finding. By default, Magento 2 is capable of providing the below-given options such as by position, product name, and price.
Many times the customers are looking for the cheapest products and some of the customers need the high-priced products then for them the above sorting options are not efficient. For offering the options of sort by price for low to high & high to low in Magento 2 follow the below-given steps.
Steps to Add Magento 2 Sort by Price for Low to High & High to Low Options:
Step 1: create registration.php file in app\code\Vendor\Extension
<?php \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::register(\Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, 'Vendor_Extension', _DIR_ );
Step 2: Create module.xml file in app\code\Vendor\Extension\etc
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd"> <module name="Vendor_Extension" setup_version="1.0.0"/> </config>
Step 3: Create di.xml file in app\code\Vendor\Extension\etc
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd"> <type name="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ProductList\Toolbar"> <plugin name="custom_custom_block_toolbar" type="Vendor\Extension\Plugin\Catalog\Block\Toolbar"/> </type> <type name="Magento\Catalog\Model\Config"> <plugin name="custom_catalog_model_config" type="Vendor\Extension\Plugin\Catalog\Model\Config"/> </type> </config>
Step 4: Create Toolbar.php file in app\code\Vendor\Extension\\Plugin\Catalog\Block
<?php namespace Vendor\Extension\Plugin\Catalog\Block; class Toolbar { public function aroundSetCollection(\Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ProductList\Toolbar $subject, \Closure $proceed, $collection) { $currentOrder = $subject->getCurrentOrder(); $result = $proceed($collection); if($currentOrder) { if($currentOrder == 'high_to_low') { $subject->getCollection()->setOrder('price', 'desc'); } elseif ($currentOrder == 'low_to_high') { $subject->getCollection()->setOrder('price', 'asc'); } } else { $subject->getCollection()->getSelect()->reset('order'); $subject->getCollection()->setOrder('price', 'asc'); } return $result; } }
Step 5: Create Config.php file in app\code\Vendor\Extension\Plugin\Catalog\Model
<?php namespace Vendor\Extension\Plugin\Catalog\Model; class Config { public function afterGetAttributeUsedForSortByArray(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Config $catalogConfig, $results) { $results['low_to_high'] = __('Price - Low To High'); $results['high_to_low'] = __('Price - High To Low'); return $results; } }
That’s it.
After implementing the above solution:
Most probably all are successfully able to provide sort options of Low to High & High to Low with the help of the above code. In case of any troubles write it down in the comments I will help you.
Also, share the illustration with your E-commerce friends and help them to provide sorting options in their Magento 2 store.
Happy Reading!
how to apply sorting by final price in magento 2 for the priduct listing
You need to change the code of “aroundSetCollection” according to your requirement.
I am using Magento 2.4.3 and when apply the sorting returns an empty page.
Please help me on this issue?
Kindly Check the Magento log file where the actual error is showing to you and let us know.
You should get an error in your logs due to ElasticSearch not allowing (in the latest versions) sorting by an attribute that doesn’t exist.
I’m also looking for a solution at the moment.
I fixed it by hooking into the afterGetSort() interceptor on Magento\Elasticsearch\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder\Sort to pull the product_list_order querystring value and send that to elasticsearch. You’ll need to disable the Toolbar interceptor part of this though
Hi Kevin. What was the code you used to send the values to elasticsearch please? I have created a plugin on Magento\Elasticsearch\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder\Sort add added a afterGetSort() method which looks like the following:
public function afterGetSort(
\Magento\Elasticsearch\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder\Sort $subject, $sorts
$sorts[] = [
‘product_list_order’ => [
‘order’ => $this->request->getQuery(‘product_list_order’)
return $sorts;
But I get this in the error logs:
“No mapping found for [product_list_order] in order to sort on”,”index_uuid”
Many thanks
Hello kevin,
Can you please share your plugin file code, I tried according to your suggestion but still facing issue.
Hello ,can you find these solution ?
can you find any solution ?
Hello, The above code is not working in the latest versions of Magento 2.4.*
Sorting options are showing fine but getting blank results after selecting any option (Price – Low To High, Price – High To Low).
Here is the SQL Query of “Toolbar.php” after debug —-
SELECT `e`.*, `price_index`.`price`, `price_index`.`tax_class_id`, `price_index`.`final_price`, IF(price_index.tier_price IS NOT NULL, LEAST(price_index.min_price, price_index.tier_price), price_index.min_price) AS `minimal_price`, `price_index`.`min_price`, `price_index`.`max_price`, `price_index`.`tier_price`, IFNULL(review_summary.reviews_count, 0) AS `reviews_count`, IFNULL(review_summary.rating_summary, 0) AS `rating_summary`, `stock_status_index`.`stock_status` AS `is_salable` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_price` AS `price_index` ON price_index.entity_id = e.entity_id AND price_index.customer_group_id = 0 AND price_index.website_id = ‘1’ LEFT JOIN `review_entity_summary` AS `review_summary` ON e.entity_id = review_summary.entity_pk_value AND review_summary.store_id = 1 AND review_summary.entity_type = (SELECT `review_entity`.`entity_id` FROM `review_entity` WHERE (entity_code = ‘product’)) INNER JOIN `cataloginventory_stock_status` AS `stock_status_index` ON e.entity_id = stock_status_index.product_id WHERE (stock_status_index.stock_status = 1) AND (NULL)
Kindly check your implementation of the code properly and run the caching and indexing command once and then check. If you are still facing issue, do let us know,
I am using Magento 2.4.3 and when apply the sorting returns an empty page.
Please help me on this issue?
This is my log file…
{“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:”query_shard_exception”,”reason”:”No mapping found for [latest] in order to sort on”,”index_uuid”:”I3G2NzxbTqmwVYe389_5FQ”,”index”:”m243p1_product_1_v98″}],”type”:”search_phase_execution_exception”,”reason”:”all shards failed”,”phase”:”query”,”grouped”:true,”failed_shards”:[{“shard”:0,”index”:”m243p1_product_1_v98″,”node”:”gpfIGR9vQGmSfdmg0tZOTQ”,”reason”:{“type”:”query_shard_exception”,”reason”:”No mapping found for [latest] in order to sort on”,”index_uuid”:”I3G2NzxbTqmwVYe389_5FQ”,”index”:”m243p1_product_1_v98″}}]},”status”:400} {“exception”:”[object] (Elasticsearch\\Common\\Exceptions\\BadRequest400Exception(code: 400): {\”error\”:{\”root_cause\”:[{\”type\”:\”query_shard_exception\”,\”reason\”:\”No mapping found for [latest] in order to sort on\”,\”index_uuid\”:\”I3G2NzxbTqmwVYe389_5FQ\”,\”index\”:\”m243p1_product_1_v98\”}],\”type\”:\”search_phase_execution_exception\”,\”reason\”:\”all shards failed\”,\”phase\”:\”query\”,\”grouped\”:true,\”failed_shards\”:[{\”shard\”:0,\”index\”:\”m243p1_product_1_v98\”,\”node\”:\”gpfIGR9vQGmSfdmg0tZOTQ\”,\”reason\”:{\”type\”:\”query_shard_exception\”,\”reason\”:\”No mapping found for [latest] in order to sort on\”,\”index_uuid\”:\”I3G2NzxbTqmwVYe389_5FQ\”,\”index\”:\”m243p1_product_1_v98\”}}]},\”status\”:400} at C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\m243p1\\vendor\\elasticsearch\\elasticsearch\\src\\Elasticsearch\\Connections\\Connection.php:675)”} []
have you any solution ?
Confirm there is not any conflict with other extensions or theme files.
i have use Magento-Luma theme and have not use any other custome module.
yes, confirm there is not any confilct with other extensions or theme files because i have use Magento-Luma theme .
Still you are facing the issue, kindly contact on support@magecomp.com
It’s showing error “We can’t find products matching the selection.” when selecting “Price – Low To High” and also got “No mapping found for [low_to_high] in order to sort on” on exception.log
It is not working on Magento 2.4.3
please provide solution for Magento version 2.4.3
If you face the issue, kindly contact on support@magecomp.com
Hello Sir,
I could not get any results in 2.4.2-p2.
Kindly confirm you create the required file for the extension and that extension is enabled in the system
is it suitable with version 2.4.5
Yes you can try it on that Magento version.
magento 2.4.2 not working with elasticsearch 7.
Please try to Do with it.
Yes code need to update according to Magento version use.