
Top 10 Ecommerce Facts you need to know in 2024

Howdy Ecommerce Folks?,

In this article, we are going to discuss the Top 10 Ecommerce Facts you need to know in 2022. As we are going through a very critical situation of COVID-19 and everyone is working from home then donā€™t forget to view 6 Tips to Focus If You Work From Home and make yourself more productive.


Who amongst us would ever think that weā€™re fully pro with E-commerce and its widespread practices? Nonetheless, it would be quite foolish to even think in such a way because each new morning, the digital world has a surprising gift to offer to the world. And the grace of such innovations taking place at this fast pace, it is almost a challenge to keep yourself updated with the current happenings.

Every new year, the actual estimates of the online businesses have surpassed the expected ones; thereby proving time and again that consumer is God and it is his satisfaction that brings blossoms to your firmā€™s Output-Revenue.

With an expectation of a rise in E-commerce sales to $4.2 billion in 2020, a range of other exciting trends follows the industry. In this blog, we shall learn about some amazing on-goings in the field of E-commerce. Following are the Top 10 Ecommerce Trends in 2022- You Need to Know;

Connect Business with Google Search:

Recent research shows that Google Shopping has proved to be the most efficient when it comes to converting shoppers into the buyers of your product. The value of SEO has rapidly increased and the firms have been looking to get registered with the Google Merchant in order to boost their sales.

A study by Inviqua shows that 59% of millennials prefer surfing Amazon for their purchase needs than any other E-commerce option. Another study says that 30% of the online consumers return to the same site for buying products if their previous experience with the portal has proven to be good enough.

The Product Listing Ad at Google Shopping is comparatively easy and cost-friendly which further attracts more and more retailers to trade online and reach out to potential buyers.

Social media marketing and Business:

It is totally impossible to stay away from social platforms nowadays. With the elongated debates on whether social media is a boon or a bane, the recent trends of shopping via the social media handles have set the account fair enough. Be it using your social handles as a search engine or coming up with online pages to promote your brands, social media helps your window shop and buy with a click of a button.

According to, if any business has constructive visibility on social media platforms, it is likely that its products will attract more sales; almost as much as 30%. Also, 85% of sales come from Facebook which makes it the most successful and attractive E-commerce platform through social media.

The security, easy delivery, integrity, and one-to-one interaction with your audience has made this platform even more favorable than any other listed shopping apps.

Preview Before Purchase:

The only reason to opt for physical buying was to be sure of the quality, suitability, and tangibility. However, digital experts couldnā€™t keep away from solving this drawback and developed the techniques that aided the Augmented and Virtual reality.

AR and VR technology has proved to be the most productive. Customers can now view the products on their phone screens and even have a virtual tour of it. Moreover, all the fashionistas can now even enjoy the facility of virtual changing rooms where they can spend hours together trying out the stuff they picked.Ā 

As per the reports from Hubspot, 80% of customers find the videos more helpful in making purchase decisions. Another study by Animoto shows that watching a video about the product is preferred 4 times more than reading about the product features.

ā€œPreview before Purchaseā€, that too sitting at home is just amazing, isnā€™t it?

Customize Your Product!

With so much exploration of the digital platform, every individual today has developed a taste and choice of his own. It has become the need of the hour to provide the customer with the product that he imagines in his head. Be it a cake or a car, customization of the product is directly related to an increased profit of your company.

A study from Hubspot shows that 80% of the customers stop their trade with companies who fail to give them a favorable customer experience.

Online platforms have got this feature clicked to their utmost power and they present an impeccable range of choice for the customers to visualize, select, and order from.

Easy and Safe Online payments:

Expensive purchases can be a bit harder for your pockets to swallow. However, with the payment options in Ecommerce, you can divide these purchases into payments of smaller amounts over a stipulated period of time. As well as online shopping helps you avail discounts by making transactions with certain cards, banks, and applications. says that 23% of people leave the site if they are asked to register an account while completing the purchase. Thus, it is important to create security for customer payments. Paying for the products shouldnā€™t be that heavy now!

Environment-friendly Business!

With the emerging concept of organic and healthy living, consumers always look to opt for brands that value natureā€™s well-being. In Spite of the increased costs in the case of biodegradable or recycled products, there is a section of society who finds it more empowering and appealing.

For example, in 2019 Amazon came up with a new environment-friendly policy wherein all the dealers associated with it were required to get away with oversized packaging. Any dealer who violates the rule is now fined $1.99 whereas the one who follows it was rewarded a $1. This strategy skilfully enhances E-commerce.Ā 

Many companies today on the digital platforms are completely performing their business functions in the purest organic ways right from its roots. They have listed themselves in these areas of natural living for the virtue of sustainability.

Easy and Instant Interactions!

The online business platforms go a step further and allow a humane interaction with their large customer base. The customers can ping them in the ā€˜Direct Messagingā€™ chat boxes and the brand officials reply to them within seconds.

According to, 73% of customers are enthusiastic to do business with brands that make an effort to bond with them personally.

These chats of appreciation, suggestions, criticisms, experiences, and reviews help to mend the bridges between the buyers and sellers as well as aids in acquiring trust and a loyal clientele. Moreover, these personal messaging is also used for price and product inquiries as well as to track the deliveries which become as beneficial as it sounds.

Additional Customer Benefits:

In the ongoing year, the value of subscriptions over a period is going to genuinely rise. Businessmen will look into giving out more and more of these with additional attractive features so that they can hold onto their customers in the future.

As per the statistics by Google, 85% of the customers would prefer making purchases from companies who offer them personalized coupons, offers and discounts.

On the other hand, the buyers are going to look up to them for added benefits and also because they shall feel a sense of compassion and familiarity from the brandā€™s end.

Strategize your Business:

E-commerce is flowering globally. This means that to keep up with your competitors does not only point at collecting and attracting more customers. To blossom in this competitive rage, it becomes extremely essential to prioritize a better SWOT Analysis, thereby coming up with strategies to excel digitally.

Research by Google shows that 42% of the customers attending your physical store analyze the products by using Search engines, retailerā€™s site, competitor retailersā€™s site, etc. Hence, strategizing well does help to attract customers.

It is almost inevitable now to invest in the Digital Marketing of your company and its products so as to create a brand value for yourselves, sell your product, and acquire a constructive clientele.

New Generation friendly Business!

With the changing era and trends in the business world, it is almost foreseen that the future of E-commerce will be in the hands of the Millenials. These are the generations who would never want to trade within the traditional boundaries. They would always look upto making the selling even more convenient.

According to, online retailers nowadays expect to make the product available to the customer within 14 days of the order placed in order to give maximum customer service.

Millennials would wipe away the desk jobs and spreadsheets. Instead they would want to focus on Customer needs thereby forming a healthy relationship and experience for the. Thus, with the changing expectations, Ecommerce shall diversify even more

Final Words:

With such a long list of trends in the field of E-commerce, it is possible that every trend may not suit your business. Thus a lot of analytics and research goes behind knowing your brand, competitors, industry, and most importantly, your customers. Know which area to invest in so that the capitalization could be maximized. Moreover, to survive the global competition know-how of the technology and digitized strategies becomes a must.

Thus, implement these trends and get ahead in this digital race! I hope this will help you in understanding the top 10 facts you need to know about Ecommerce in 2022. Comment down your reviews regarding this and letā€™s share any other point if missing in this article by writing in the comment section below. For any assistance needed feel free to contact MageComp Support. Do not forget to share with your friends and make them be sure about the trends of Ecommerce in 2022.

Happy Reading?.

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Gaurav Jain

Gaurav Jain is Co-Founder and Adobe Certified Expert-Magento Commerce Business Practitioner. Being Computer EngineeršŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» and possessing Extensive Marketing skills he handles all kinds of customer Queries and his HappyšŸ˜€ & HelpingšŸ™ Nature makes customer's day Delightful. When he isnā€™t working, youā€™ll find Gaurav Reading on BooksšŸ“– or TravelingšŸš—. Also, he is Speaker at Magento Meetups.

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