
How Can You Select The Best Shopify SEO Expert?

Every Shopify admin has come across the word SEO.

What does it stand for? Search Engine Optimization.

Does Search Engine Optimization means optimizing the search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo? ?

Of course not. Their CEOs won’t give us their backend access. ?

Let’s get straight to the point. ?

Search Engine Optimization, AKA SEO, is a process where you optimize your Shopify store and its pages by incorporating relevant keywords that help your website attract organic traffic. Hence, SEO plays a significant role in shaping marketing strategies for Shopify stores.

But FYI, SEO is not as easy as it seems. Search engines like Google and Bing have some algorithms that keep changing frequently, and staying updated with every algorithm change needs a lot of focus, which is very challenging for a Shopify store owner and staying updated to these algorithm changes also needs skill and knowledge of that field.

This is when Shopify SEO experts come to your rescue.

Shopify has gained immense popularity in the last couple of years, which has made companies and individuals upgrade their Shopify knowledge and become Shopify SEO experts.

Before going to “HOW?” let’s learn “WHY?”

Why Do You Need a Shopify SEO Expert?

Though Shopify is a very user-friendly eCommerce platform with hundreds of Shopify SEO apps for its Shopify admins that can ease up the admins’ work. Still, an SEO expert with SEO knowledge can help you enhance your business more effectively than others.

Here are some points that you need to know to get the answer to your “WHY” question ?

1. Search Engine Optimization

Although SEO has faced some criticisms, it remains an undeniably effective tool for maintaining your store’s online visibility. In today’s digital age, understanding the preferences of search engines is critical to ensuring your website is easily discoverable. By investing in SEO, you can expect to see a rise in targeted traffic to your website, ultimately resulting in long-term benefits.

2. Shopify SEO Experts are more Knowledgable

Everyone is perfect in their work. As you are an expert in handling your business, a Shopify SEO expert is an expert in handling all the SEO things.

Do you know what Google Algorithms are?

How does the SEO work?

How to run an SEO campaign or even optimize your website?

Of course not.

A Shopify SEO expert handles all these SEO things every day, including multiple other products like yours or different than yours.

As Shopify experts have to work on multiple SEO projects at once, they know exactly what can improve your website, what kind of SEO campaigns will be good enough for your business to give it a boost and much more to this. So, it is highly recommended to trust the Shopify SEO experts the same way you expect your customers to trust your brand.

3. You Can Focus on Your Business

SEO is not a one-night thing. Your Shopify website might have launched within a few clicks, but SEO takes time, a lot more than you can imagine. If you choose to focus on your Shopify SEO, then, unfortunately, you will have to let loose your Shopify business for some time, as you will hardly get some time to focus on your business.

Hiring a Shopify SEO expert is the only option left for you.

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. From managing operations and planning for future changes to keeping your customers happy, finding time to optimize your Shopify site can be difficult. That’s why hiring a Shopify SEO agency can be extremely beneficial.

By entrusting your online presence to experts, you can focus 100% on growing your physical business and leave the digital side to the professionals.

4. Effective Branding

Every business dreams of becoming a brand one day, but it is only possible when your business’s branding is done effectively. A Shopify SEO expert knows how to reach your audience, make them hear about your business, and attract them to your Shopify store with effective branding.

Also, Shopify SEO experts are constantly in touch with Shopify developers, so if your website needs to be enhanced, it can be done within a few minutes. When you hire a Shopify SEO expert for your business, you can have a perfectly splendid Shopify website.

5. Frequent Expert Advice

As discussed earlier, Shopify SEO experts handle multiple SEO projects simultaneously. They know how to maintain your website without diminishing its popularity. A Shopify SEO expert stays at your assistance from start to end. Which Shopify tool is suitable for your business? What marketing strategy will be beneficial for your business?

A Shopify SEO expert will help you with numerous queries like this.

How to Choose The Right Shopify SEO Expert?

By reaching this section, you have learned “WHY?” and are ready to go to “HOW?”

So let’s know how you will search and select the right Shopify SEO expert.

1. Which section of your website needs to be treated?

How do you want to optimize your store? Which section needs to be optimized for better store performance? SEO for startups and SEO for well-established businesses differ, and even Shopify SEO agencies provide their SEO services based on these criteria. Research the agency’s provided SEO services, see if they match your business needs and move further.

Your Shopify store has many sections to be considered while performing an SEO, like your store’s checkout page, page loading speed, keyword ranking, website optimization, mobile responsiveness, etc.

If you’re unsure about what needs to be fixed on your website, some agencies offer SEO auditing services and recommend improvements.

2. Make a checklist to ease up your work

Creating a list of all the items you wish to find in your store is crucial. This will help you identify what you need and serve as a guide during your browsing. Some essential sections to include in this list are those you can send to your preferred Shopify SEO Expert.

  • Your business goals:

Your business aims to help SEO experts shape your business’s different SEO and marketing campaigns. For instance, will your business need to go for paid marketing or not, etc?

  • Your targeted audience:

A targeted audience is very important for an SEO expert to know before starting SEO campaigns because different customer groups need different marketing approaches. For example, SEO experts cannot market beauty products to painters or cannot market adult diapers to youngsters or parents with toddlers.

  • Your business competitors:

Information about business competitors helps SEO experts a lot in shaping marketing campaigns for your business and enhancing them by seeing what your competitors did and what results they got.

  • Your budget:

Startups are always tight on their budget and need to spend every penny very carefully, and the fee structure of SEO experts varies from the services they provide. Some experts provide custom SEO plans some don’t. Hence, knowing your budget can help SEO experts to shape their marketing plans.

3. Go through their Portfolio

When hiring Shopify SEO Experts, they must provide at least two samples of their work in their portfolio. It is important to take the time to examine these examples to ensure they meet your needs carefully. If you have a complex site to migrate, it is best to look for an Expert with a diverse portfolio, as those who primarily work on simple stores may not be the right fit for you.

An SEO Expert who creates the same designs repeatedly may have limited capabilities, so fresh and modern stores should be a priority. In the eCommerce world, having a dated store can lead to failure. Paying attention to responsiveness, cohesiveness, cross-browser compatibility, and a user-centered design is also important.

4. Research their pricing

As we stated earlier, budget is very important for all types of businesses, and all Shopify SEO agencies do not provide the same work quality. Hence, checking their pricing plans before moving further with them is advised.

Some agencies might give a lot at fewer prices, and business admins mistake them for providing results with unethical SEO techniques, but that’s not a scenario with all Shopify SEO agencies. Many agencies give fruitful results at affordable prices.

As SEO services do not have a standard price plan, it can be very difficult to pick an affordable SEO pricing plan. Consider your budget and then move forward.

5. Communication

Communication is the most important point when choosing an SEO agency, as you have given your Shopify business to them, expecting good organic traffic and high sales ratio in return. So it is your right to know your SEO progress anytime you want, with genuine and satisfactory results. For this point, you must consider questions like;

How quickly do they respond?

Are they eager to learn your website more than you?

Do they have a clear view of what exactly you want from your business?

What time do they prefer to report your SEO progress? (monthly, weekly, quarterly or whenever you want?)

If the Shopify SEO agency which you have shortlisted meets all these criteria, the agency is fit to work for your business.

Over to You

Shopify SEO is too important to be neglected. You must always go for agencies that provide the best Shopify SEO services. Though it can affect your budget, SEO is a one-time investment that surely gives highly fruitful results over time.

If you want SEO done for your Shopify store, kindly contact us or reach us via our official Facebook page and get your SEO done.

Happy Shopifying!

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Gaurav Jain

Gaurav Jain is Co-Founder and Adobe Certified Expert-Magento Commerce Business Practitioner. Being Computer Engineer?‍? and possessing Extensive Marketing skills he handles all kinds of customer Queries and his Happy? & Helping? Nature makes customer's day Delightful. When he isn’t working, you’ll find Gaurav Reading on Books? or Traveling?. Also, he is Speaker at Magento Meetups.

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