The compression of PNG & JPEG images deteriorates the image quality. WebP image compression, the accurate pixel adjustment & compression technique maintains the image quality.
WebP images are considered next-gen images. WebP images offer images that are 26%-35% smaller than other image formats like JPEG & PNG.
Even after image compression, the PNG image sizes are larger than WebP images. Hence, the WebP images load faster than PNG images.
Unlike the first launched WebP image format, the latest WebP image format is compatible with every internet browser for both desktop & mobile devices.
WebP images are supported in CMS platforms like Magento, WordPress, Joomla & other PHP frameworks. Although, some platforms might need third-party modules to support WebP images.
Unlike GIFs, WebP images need fewer bytes than GIFs. WebP supports 24-bit RGB color with an 8-bit alpha channel, whereas GIF supports 8-bit & 1-bit alpha.