Hello Magento Friends,
In this Magento tutorial blog, I am going to illustrate How to make Sidebar Sticky in Magento 2.
Sticky Sidebar is the same as Sticky Header that will be displayed all-time on the display window. Check our previous article where I have discussed How to Add Sticky Header Component in Magento 2.
With a sticky sidebar, you can display important elements of the product including add to cart button, or product options. The customer can freely explore your Magento 2 store and add the product to the cart anytime they wish.
Let’s start with How to make Sidebar Sticky in Magento 2.
Steps to make Sidebar sticky in Magento 2:
Step 1: Create _extend.less file as given below path and add code.
.media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'min') and (@break = @screen__m) { .box-tocart .action.tocart { width: 100%; margin-right: 0; } .sidebar { &.fixed { position: fixed; } } }
Step 2: Create catalog_product_view.xml file as give below path and add code.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <page layout="2columns-right" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd"> <body> <referenceBlock remove="true" name="catalog.compare.sidebar" /> <referenceBlock remove="true" name="wishlist_sidebar" /> <move element="product.info" destination="sidebar.additional" /> <referenceContainer name="sidebar.additional"> <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="sidebar_sticky" template="Magento_Catalog::product/view/sidebar_sticky.phtml" after="-" /> </referenceContainer> </body> </page>
Step 3: Create sidebar_sticky.phtml file as give below path and add code.
<script type="text/javascript" data-mage-init='{"sidebarstickyshow":{}}'> </script>
Step 4: Create requirejs-config.js file as give below path and add code.
var config = { map: { "*": { sidebarstickyshow: "js/sticky-sidebar", } } };
Step 5: Create a sticky-sidebar.js file as give below path and add code.
define(["jquery", "matchMedia", "domReady!"], function ($, mediaCheck) { "use strict"; var sidebar = {}; var product_form_class = $(".product-add-form"); var mobile_target_detect = $(".product-info-main > .price-box"); var page_main = $(".page-main"); var page_main_view_show; var main = $(".main"); var main_view; var header = $(".page-header"); var nav = $(".nav-sections"); var breadcrumbs = $(".breadcrumbs"); var product_addtocart_bottom = parseInt($("#product-addtocart-button").css("margin-bottom")); var padding_bottom = parseInt(main.css("padding-bottom")); var margin_bottom = parseInt($(".product.info.detailed").css("margin-bottom")); sidebar.el = $(".sidebar"); sidebar.padding_ratio = parseFloat(sidebar.el.css("padding-left")) / page_main.width(); sidebar.horizontalview = function () { if (sidebar.el.hasClass("fixed")) { page_main_view_show = parseFloat(page_main.width()); main_view = parseFloat(main.width()); sidebar.width = page_main_view_show - main_view; sidebar.left = ($(window).width() - page_main_view_show) / 2 + main_view; sidebar.p_left = parseInt(page_main_view_show * sidebar.padding_ratio); sidebar.el.css({ "width": sidebar.width + "px", "left": sidebar.left + "px", "padding-left": sidebar.p_left + "px" }); } }; sidebar.desktopview = function () { sidebar.height = sidebar.el.height(); var scrolled_from_top = $(window).scrollTop(); var header_h = header.outerHeight(true) || 0; var nav_h = nav.outerHeight(true) || 0; var breadcrumbs_h = breadcrumbs.outerHeight(true) || 0; var content_h = main.outerHeight(true) || 0; var sidebar_limit_top = header_h + nav_h + breadcrumbs_h; var sidebar_limit_bottom = sidebar_limit_top + content_h; var sidebar_limit_bottom_criteria = scrolled_from_top + sidebar.height + padding_bottom + product_addtocart_bottom - margin_bottom; if (sidebar_limit_bottom < sidebar_limit_bottom_criteria) { sidebar.top = sidebar_limit_bottom - sidebar_limit_bottom_criteria; sidebar.el.css({"top": sidebar.top + "px"}); } else if (scrolled_from_top > sidebar_limit_top) { if (!sidebar.el.hasClass("fixed")) { sidebar.el.addClass("fixed"); sidebar.horizontalview(); } sidebar.top = 0; sidebar.el.css({"top": sidebar.top + "px"}); } else { sidebar.el.removeClass("fixed").removeAttr("style"); } }; var onResize = function () { $(window).on("resize", function () { sidebar.horizontalview(); }); }, onScroll = function () { $(window).on("scroll", function () { sidebar.desktopview(); }); }, onInit = function () { mediaCheck({ media: "(min-width: 768px)", entry: function () { sidebar.el .addClass("fixed") .prepend(product_form_class.detach()); sidebar.horizontalview(); sidebar.desktopview(); onResize(); onScroll(); }, exit: function () { product_form_class.detach().insertAfter(mobile_target_detect); sidebar.el .removeClass("fixed") .removeAttr("style"); } }); }; });
Check final result as shown below:
Hence, implementing the above steps will help you to make Sidebar Sticky in Magento 2. Also, check out Magento 2 Sticky Add To Cart extension for displaying an appealing sticky bar and Add to Cart button. In case you face any difficulty, leave a comment below. I will be right back to you. Also, do not forget to share the solution with your Magento co-workers. Stay tuned for more updates!
Happy Reading!