Hello Magento Friends,
Today I am going to explain How to Get Associated Product Information from Grouped Product SKU in Magento 2.
Grouped products are a set of simple products combined together in order to increase purchase value. You can Create Grouped Product Programmatically in Magento 2.
When you need the information of the associated product of a particular grouped product you can apply the below steps. With the help of the below code, you can get information like Product ID, name, price, etc.
Steps to Get Associated Product Information from Grouped Product SKU in Magento 2:
Step 1: Go to the below file path
Now, add the below code
namespace Vendor\Extension\Controller\Index; use Magento\Catalog\Model\Product; use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action; use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context; class Groupproductset extends Action { protected $_productCollection; public function __construct( Product $_productCollection, Context $context) { $this->_productCollection = $_productCollection; parent::__construct($context); } public function execute() { $group_product_sku = “group_product_sku”; $productId = $this->_productCollection->getIdBySku($group_product_sku); $groupProduct = $this->_productCollection->load($productId); $groupProduct_name = $groupProduct->getName(); $_children = $groupProduct->getTypeInstance(true) ->getAssociatedProducts($groupProduct); $simpleproduct = array(); foreach ($_children as $child) { if ($child->getId() != $groupProduct->getId()) { echo $child->getSKU(); echo $child->getPrice(); echo $child->getName(); } } } }
Step 2: After adding the above file run the below commands
sudo php bin/magento setup:di:compile sudo php bin/magento cache:flush
This way you can get the associated product from the grouped product ID in Magento 2. If you face any trouble, feel free to share it with me via the comment part. Share the article and stay in touch with us.
Happy Coding!