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How to Enable Admin Login Captcha in Magento 2

How to Enable Magento 2 default Captcha

Hello, Magento Folks,

Last time we learned about how you can check the version of Magento 2 store. Today, I am going to explain to you how you can enable default Captcha in Magento 2.

Magento has added support for Captcha In Magento 2. Captcha ensures that humans are interacting with computers and the internet, not robots. Full-Form of Captcha is a Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. When the Captcha is enabled on your site, it can differentiate between robots and humans, and prevents your website from spam and robot attacks.

Now, In Magento 2, you can enable the Captcha for both admin and customer login. If you are unable to read what’s in Captcha, you have the option to reload the Captcha. You can set Captcha to appear every time or after several failed attempts.

So let’s look at how to set up Captcha for customer account login?

The Captcha can appear when customers are trying to login to their account each time, or it will appear after several failed attempts of login. Also, you set forms like Forgot Password, checkout as a guest, contact us, etc. to be filled when a customer is unable to login.

Storefront Captcha configuration steps:

  1. Login to your admin panel and from the sidebar, go to stores>settings>configuration.
  2. From the left panel, select Customer Configuration from Customers.
  3. Click on the Captcha to configure the settings.
  4. You will get the following options to configure the Captcha,

  1. Apply Coupon Code
  2. Create User
  3. Login
  4. Forgot Password
  5. Contact Us
  6. Change Password
  7. PayFlow Pro
  8. Send to Friend Form
  9. Share Wishlist Form

Once all the configurations are complete click on the Save Config button.

Now, let’s look at how to configure Captcha for Admin?

To take the security of your admin signin process to the next level you can enable the Captcha to your Admin Login and Forgot Password Page. You can reload the Captcha any number of times.

Admin Captcha configuration steps:

  1. Login to your admin panel and from the sidebar, go to stores>settings>configuration.
  2. From the left panel, select Admin from Advanced option.
  3. Set the default store view from the top right corner and then click on the Captcha to configure the settings.
  4. You will get the following options to configure the Captcha,

  1. Admin login
  2. Forgot Password

When Captcha is enabled, the maximum number of login attempts are allowed upto 1000 from the same IP address.

Once all the configurations are complete click on the Save Config button.

So, this was all for the day. Now you can enable the Captcha from the Magento 2 itself for customers storefront and admin login both. Now, there is no need to purchase an extension for this functionality.

If you found this article helpful, then share this with your Magento colleagues and partners. Also, let us know in the comments below. If you had any problem while doing so, then contact our support team for help. We will be happy to help you.

Happy Reading!

Don’t forget to check Magento 2 Google reCAPTCHA – Latest Google reCAPTCHA V3 by MageComp?

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